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Safe to Speak

Mental Health Wellbeing & Resilience Safe to Speak Mental%20Health%20_Wellbeing%20%26%20Resilience_812x320%401.5x-8.png
  • 2.5 hours
  • $2,200.00 incl. GST


The concept of "psychological safety" has gained focus of interest in workplaces over recent
decades, emphasising the importance of creating a safe environment for employees.

When employees feel psychologically safe at work, they are more likely to speak up, share ideas, admit mistakes, and seek help, all of which are crucial for workplace success.

Safe to Speak explores the behaviours and conditions that foster and hinder psychological safety at work.

Participants will leave this training with practical tools, resources, and models to apply in their workplaces, enabling them to promote a safe and thriving environment. 

Course Topics

This course covers the following topics:

  1. Psychological safety
  2. Barriers to psychological safety
  3. What makes a 'Safe to Speak' culture
  4. Quality interactions
  5. Challenging interactions
  6. Managing us (stress responses, emotions, thinking, behaviour)

Key Outcomes

  • Enhanced communication skills
  • Ability to engage in conversations with positive intent
  • Enhanced communication skills for effectively handling difficult conversations
  • Applying practical tools and strategies to manage difficult conversations
  • Ability to identify conditions that foster and support psychological safety
  • Ability to identify barriers to psychological safety
  • Comprehensive understanding of creating a psychologically safe workplace culture
  • Debriefing techniques and stress management approaches
  • Self-care and self-reflection practices

Who is this for?

The target audience for this course is:

  • This course is suitable for all employees, managers, leaders

Course Structure

  • Delivery: face-to-face, or online
  • Participants: min 6, max 18 per course
  • Cost: available on request


Make a booking

To make a booking for your corporate group, please contact us via email on training@act.lifeline.org.au